Video in PaperVision 3D - PART 2
Aplha Channel 3D Video
This example shows how to display a video that contains and alpha channel on it.
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package { import flash.display.Sprite; import; import; import; import; import; import flash.text.TextField; import org.papervision3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial; import org.papervision3d.materials.VideoStreamMaterial; import org.papervision3d.materials.WireframeMaterial; import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Plane; import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Sphere; public class Video_alpha_channel extends PaperBase { protected var sceneWidth:Number; protected var sceneHeight:Number; // Polygon that video will be textured on private var videoPlane:Plane; private var netConnection:NetConnection; private var netStream:NetStream; // Material used for video textures private var videoStreamMaterial:VideoStreamMaterial; // The video object that gets plug in to the VideoStreamMaterial private var video:Video; private var skyBox:Sphere; public function Video_alpha_channel(){ sceneWidth = stage.stageWidth sceneHeight = stage.stageHeight; init(sceneWidth,sceneHeight); } override protected function init2d(): void { var video1:Sprite = makeButton('Restart Video'); video1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playVideo1); video1.buttonMode = true; addChild(video1); // Create button graphics function makeButton(title:String) : Sprite { var label:TextField = new TextField(); label.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; label.text = title; label.height = 30; label.selectable = false; var bg:Sprite = new Sprite();;,0,label.width,20); bg.alpha = .8; bg.addChild(label); bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onState ); bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, offState ); function onState(e:Event) : void { label.textColor = 0x000000;;;,0,label.width,20); } function offState(e:Event) : void { label.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;;;,0,label.width,20); } return bg; } } override protected function init3d(): void { videoMaterial(); // Create video & video texture // Match aspect ratio of the video 480w , 360h videoPlane = new Plane( videoStreamMaterial, 480, 360, 10 , 10 ); videoPlane.scale = 1; default_scene.addChild(videoPlane); // Wire texture for background Sphare var wireTexture:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial(0x0000FF,100,1); wireTexture.doubleSided = true; skyBox = new Sphere(wireTexture, 8096,24,24); default_scene.addChild(skyBox); } public function videoMaterial() : void { var customClient:Object = new Object(); customClient.onMetaData = metaDataHandler; netConnection = new NetConnection(); netConnection.connect(null); netStream = new NetStream(netConnection); netStream.client = customClient; // Alpha channel needs to be included in video footage "assets/video_plus_alpha.flv" ); // Match the pixel size of the video video = new Video(480,360); video.smoothing = true; video.attachNetStream(netStream); video.addEventListener("complete", playVideo1); /* For transpartent video set the final paramiter 'transparent' to ture public function VideoStreamMaterial ( video:Video, stream:NetStream , precise:Boolean = false, transparent:Boolean = false ) NOTE: Older versions of papervision 2.0 do not pass the transparent parameter correctly. You may need to edit the class or get the latest version of the papervision packages */ videoStreamMaterial = new VideoStreamMaterial(video, netStream, true, true); videoStreamMaterial.doubleSided = true; } private function metaDataHandler(infoObject:Object):void { trace("metaData"); } // Restart video private function playVideo1(e:Event):void{ 'assets/video_plus_alpha.flv' ); } override protected function processFrame(): void { // Rotate sphere containing earth texture skyBox.rotationX += 3; skyBox.rotationY += 1; // Move alpha video based on mouseX and mouseY location videoPlane.z = - ((mouseY / sceneHeight) * 800); videoPlane.rotationY = - ((mouseX / sceneWidth) * 360); } } } |